Victoria 2 jingoism
Victoria 2 jingoism

victoria 2 jingoism

The " French Escalation" event (id #97502) for the Ottoman Empire: Option 2: "Abandon our claim before this goes further.".-100 relations with Russia, leave any alliance with Russia.the Ottoman Empire receives the "French Escalation" event (id #97502).Option 1: "Pressure them into accepting.".A show of force combined with the enticement of a protective alliance might compel them, though that will certainly cause friction with the Russians and there are some who say we should discontinue this venture now while we still have the chance." More than likely they simply fear what the Russians will do. Text: "The Ottoman government has refused our demand, stating that the 1774 Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca grants Russia authority over Eastern Christians and not France.The " Ottoman Empire Refuses our Claim" event (id #97501) for France: Russia receives the "Sovereign Authority in the Holy Land" event (id# 97503).France receives the "Ottomans Have Agreed" event (id# 97504).Sets the "france_protector_of_eastern_christians" global flag.Option 2: "We will agree to the French demands.".France receives the "Ottoman Empire Refuses our Claim" event (id# 97501).Russia gets +10 Prestige, -50 relations with France.Option 1: "Russia protects the Holy Land, not France.".The Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca signed with Russia in 1774 states that they are the sole protector of Eastern Christians, and should we agree to the French demands it will almost surely lead to conflict with the Russians." Text: "The French ambassador has arrived with the following demand: they wish the Ottoman government to recognize them as the sovereign authority over the Holy Land in Palestine, turning control over all Christian sites to the French.This decision grants France some prestige and sends the " Sovereign Authority in the Holy Land" event (id #97500) to the Ottoman Empire: If the Congress of Berlin happens first, then the Crimean War will never occur. particularly if it takes a while for the Ottomans to drop out of GP status or if they get Palestine back not through the "Fall of Cairo" event but by taking state-by-state in successive wars. Sometimes it will happen, but happens very late. Since the Ottomans must have reclaimed Jerusalem from the Egyptians during the Oriental Crisis, and don't always accomplish this, the Crimean War isn't going to occur in every game. The Ottoman Empire must be at peace, own Jerusalem and not be a Greater Power.They must have researched State & Government (and be at peace).PDM adds a decision for France to start the chain by demanding authority in the Holy Land, models Russia's intervention and offers two possible outcomes for the Treaty of Paris in the aftermath.Īs in history, the Crimean War events begins with France's " Claim Authority in the Holy Land" decision: No war with the Ottoman Empire, and war being much more likely with another European ower over a modifier that doesn't really do much.


That will send an event to other European great powers, which can result in them demanding Russia abandon the modifier on pain of a free Humiliate CB. In Vanilla, Russia has a decision to declare itself the Defender of Eastern Christiandom- giving it a prestige-adding modifier. PDM has an entire event chain devoted to the Crimean War, expanding on what exists in Vanilla Victoria II (which is, admitted, not very much). Peace ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1856, which unified Moldavia and Wallachia into Romania- an Ottoman vassal. the first real setback for the great Russian Empire. It began when France attempted to exert authority over Christian holy sites inĭeclare itself the true "Defender of Eastern Christians" and intervene in 1853, bringing the French (and the British, who feared losing influence over the Levantine trade routes to India) to bear and starting a three-year war that ended in Russian defeat. Historically the Crimean War was fought between Russia and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Sardinia. Detail of Franz Roubaud's panoramic painting The Siege of Sevastopol (1904)

Victoria 2 jingoism